Thursday, November 11, 2010

Recent Photos

Well, here are some recent photos I've liked and haven't used on the bloggy yet:
Silvie in the rain at the Furthur show in August.

One of the bridges at Kubota Garden.

A post at another bridge at Kubota.

I love this shot Silvie got of Sammy. He looks like he's meditating.

Another meditating animal? I snapped this pic on my lunchbreak.

I started to clean out my closet and I found TWELVE pairs of jeans I haven't been wearing. All are either too small for me now or worn to the point that I should just get rid of them.

I picked up this Silk Hazelnut creamer on a whim at the store and now I think it's the Nectar of the Friggin' Gods. I drink it straight from the carton. (When I set the carton on a window ledge to get a pic, Little G jumped right up as if she wanted to be in the picture - I thought that was great, too. And then I remembered that her original name at the shelter was Silk!)

A Seattle fire boat in Lake Union. I snapped this in the park while walking to my car after work.

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