Friday, August 27, 2010

Rodrigo y Gabriela at Marymoor Park

Silvie and I drove to Redmond on Friday the 13th to see the great Mexican acoustic guitar duo Rodrigo y Gabriela. These two play with a lot of passion and create an impressive sound from just two acoustic guitars. Both use their hands for percussion by slapping or knocking on their guitars' bodies, and Rodrigo, who usually plays lead, utilizes effects such as a wah-wah pedal as their music moves easily from fast, Latin-inspired strumming to quiet gentle fingering to all-out rocking (the two started out in a heavy metal band). Their music definitely makes you move, and the show was fantastic. The highlight of the evening, for me, was when Rodrigo played Cliff Burton's great Anesthesia (Pulling Teeth) from the first Metallica album. I'm not sure how many others in the crowd recognized the tune, but Rodrigo knocked it out of the park. Que bueno!

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