Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pours for Purrs

On Saturday Silvie and I drove to Malt & Vine in Redmond to attend Pours for Purrs, a beer tasting and silent auction benefitting the Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Project. Feral Cat is a not-for-profit group dedicated to providing free spay and neuter services for feral cats in the Puget Sound region. The folks at Malt & Vine lined up 8 tasty brews for attendees to sample. Silvie tried tiny sips of each beer, but I basically had two samples of each. Here are the 8 beers:

Snoqualmie Wildcat IPA – Snoqualmie Falls Brewing, Snoqualmie, WA

Trade Route Ginger Pale Ale – Trade Route Brewing, Pacific, WA

Young’s Double Chocolate Stout – Wells & Young’s Brewing, UK

Midnight Sun Panty Peeler Tripel – Midnight Sun Brewing, Anchorage, AK

Moorhouse Black Cat Porter – Moorhouse’s Brewery, UK

Avery White Rascal Belgian White – Avery Brewing, Boulder, CO

Flying Dog Horndog Barleywine – Flying Dog Brewery, Frederick, MD

Boulevard Nutcracker Winter Ale – Boulevard Brewing, Kansas City, MO

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