Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pumpkin Push '09

I ran the Pumpkin Push at Seward Park for the second consecutive year. I had been expecting an improvement on last year's time, as I had been running three days a week around our neighborhood the past couple of months; and I did finish 2:20 better than last year! I was very pleased. My time was 29:06; not bad, considering the punishing hill in the middle of the course. Just as in the most recent St. Pat's Dash, I had plenty left in the tank for my finishing kick, sprinting like a nut to the finish line (the guy on the loudspeaker even remarked on my break-neck speed at the finish). I was very happy to be able to finish strong; but my speed at the end meant that I had done a terrible job pacing myself, and probably could have improved on my time with a stronger pace during the race. Oh, well. It's still a work in progress....

Whew!!! That was tough!

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