Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pumpkin Push '09

I ran the Pumpkin Push at Seward Park for the second consecutive year. I had been expecting an improvement on last year's time, as I had been running three days a week around our neighborhood the past couple of months; and I did finish 2:20 better than last year! I was very pleased. My time was 29:06; not bad, considering the punishing hill in the middle of the course. Just as in the most recent St. Pat's Dash, I had plenty left in the tank for my finishing kick, sprinting like a nut to the finish line (the guy on the loudspeaker even remarked on my break-neck speed at the finish). I was very happy to be able to finish strong; but my speed at the end meant that I had done a terrible job pacing myself, and probably could have improved on my time with a stronger pace during the race. Oh, well. It's still a work in progress....

Whew!!! That was tough!

Lucifer Sam, Siam cat

Well, we added another kitty to the brood... a rescued kitty we named Sammy (properly Lucifer Sam after the Syd Barrett Pink Floyd song). He is quite a nut, full of energy and just a bit mischievous. He's very cute, though, and a great addition to the family.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Family Visit '09!

My mom and bro paid us a visit in August. We had a great time hanging out and doing some fun things around town. [insert pics w/captions here]

Mom and Brian shopping for yummy fresh fruit at Pike Place Market

Cookie was thrilled to find a new personal spa technician

Silvie ready to party at the Evergreen State Fair

The fair was a lot of fun, especially the Western Heritage Center

On the way to the fair we passed by the scene of a horrible accident - apparently these guys were Civil War reenactors or sometning. Tragic.

Silvie looking cute by Lake Washington, Seward Park

Adjust that camera angle... and that neck angle, too!

Sweet Little Buford

Our sweet little Buford (aka Toot Toot) passed away after sudden, severe pancreatitis. He was only about 4 years old. He was really the sweetest little boy ever. He was cuddly, fluffy and soft; a wonderful companion and snuggler. He had the sweetest disposition with humans and fellow kitties. He is missed every day!