Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Flaming Geyser State Park

On Saturday, Silvie and I went to Flaming Geyser State Park to do a little hiking. There's a story behind the name of the park; something about miners back in the day finding water and a pocket of methane while doing test digging, and a "flaming geyser" was the result. Whatever. These days, it's a sprawling park with rolling lawns and easy hiking paths along the banks of the gentle Green River, where folks float lazily downstream on innertubes and inflatable lounge chairs. The weather was great, and the paths only a bit muddy in spots, and a fun time was had. The only wildlife we saw were a couple of slugs, but the birds were singing and there was a lot of typically nice greenery about.

The wild rapids of the Green River

Silvie creekside

Somebody alert River Rescue!

Only the foolish stray into the Dang P Area....

Foxglove along the trail.

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