December 3 was the Canine Candy Cane 5k in Renton, WA, benefitting that city's food bank. It was my first race, it was early in the morning, and it was cold. I'm not making excuses here, but I really wasn't feeling it that day. Even though I had gotten used to running longer distances, those 3.1 miles seemed to never end. I felt sluggish and slow, and my time (25:15) reflects this. The accompanying picture shows me holding a piece of paper indicating that I finished in first place, but this was only in my underrepresented age/sex class. Yes, while I was left in the dust by countless women and geezers and children, thirty-something dudes, like Jerry Seinfeld in a certain episode, chose not to run; and for that I am truly grateful.
My one other moment of triumph occurred when I overcame a spunky 10 year old who was determined not to let me pass him. I strode by him proudly and didn't see him again until the finish where he was bending forward, yakking up his Fruit Loops. I walked over to him, placed a tender hand on his shoulder and, leaning over, said to him soothingly, "If you can't hang with the big boys, stay home in your playpen, bitch." A wee bit unsportsmanlike, I suppose....
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