Friday, August 14, 2009

Phish at the Gorge

Silvie and I caught Phish at the Gorge on Friday, 8/7. Phish is winding up its reunion tour, and I wasn't planning on catching them. I had spaced on the announcement of the Gorge dates, and tickets sold out (predictably) quickly. A few days before the show, I bought tickets from someone at work, at cost, and we headed off on the 2 1/2 hour trip to George. The weather was perfect and we were both stoked at seeing Phish. We arrived early to check out the parking lot scene, but, as this was a back-to-back situation, the main activity was in the far-off camping area. Still, Sil and I had fun enjoying the limited scene in our lot before heading into the show.

It has been stated many times before, but the Gorge is really an amazing setting for a show. It was my second time at the Gorge, and the weather was much milder than the time we saw Sasquatch (in '04 or '05, I think it was). It was great to be among the Phaithful, and Silvie had a fine time people-watching. Phish played for about 3 hours, and the show definitely rekindled my appreciation for these guys. The setlist was spare as each song was jammed out thoroughly. Standouts included "Possum," "Fluffhead," "Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley," and the encore, "Slave to the Traffic Light." This was my 7th time seeing Phish, and Silvie's 1st, and we agreed that if they should come to the Gorge again, we'd definitely do the whole weekend.

Silvie looks ready for the show...

...but Joe needs a few more beers first

View from the lawn

Another view of the stage and gorge beyond

Fine weather and a not-yet-full lawn

Phish took the stage the very instant that the sun disappeared

Phish, opening with "Down With Disease"

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lake Tahoe

Silvie and I were invited by friends Ken and Marie to spend a week with them at their timeshare in south Lake Tahoe. This is a very nice resort located at the Heavenly ski area, at some 7200+ feet above sea level. Ken and Marie have one week in the summer and one in the winter. Silvie and I were excited about the trip, and it turned out to be even better than expected. We drove down and back which meant that two days of the trip were essentially all travel. We drove through Reno on the way down and had to navigate the windy route up the mountain in the dark (with misleading suggestions from the GPS!). Ken and Marie are an easy-going couple, and they know the area quite well, so we spent several days being tour-guided around the beautiful lake. We drove completely around the lake, toured the Pope estate at the Tallac Historic site, visited Squaw Valley, ate at great restaurants, swam in the lake, won some moola at the casinos, walked the doggies, and hung out and enjoyed the pleasant weather and gorgeous surroundings. Ken and I hiked a couple of thousand feet to the top of one of Heavenly's peaks, and Silvie and I went star-gazing at night. We really had a wonderful time and are very grateful to our hosts (we'd gladly accept another invitation to visit!).

View from the resort

The boys - Bambi, T-Cup, Rusty and Piglet

Pope Beach, Lake Tahoe

Ken, Marie and the boys

Desolation Wilderness, above Fallen Leaf Lake

Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe

Squaw Valley, site of the 1960 Winter Olympics

Dinner at Christy Hill, lakeside

View across Emerald Bay

Lake Tahoe basin, seen from top of Sky Express, Heavenly

Another view from Heavenly (Fallen Leaf Lake seen in middle of photo)

A break before hiking back down

"Marco!" Marie and Joe in Lake Tahoe

Marie, Silvie, Joe and pups

Mt. Shasta, seen from I-5, northern CA