On Sunday, March 15th I ran in the St. Pat's Dash. It was my third dash, and it was a toughie. The weather was nasty, with a snow/rain mix and cold temp. The course was modified this year, due to construction, taking runners and walkers north on Aurora to Canlis restaurant before looping back to Seattle Center. The route was a tad longer this year at 3.75 miles, or just over 6k. Naturally, my time was my worst, given the length and the fact that I went at what turned out to be a slower-than-necessary pace. Percentage wise it was also my worst, as I finished just over the 4000 mark out of 7900-and-some runners. I won't bore you with the specifics. I always like to have a finishing kick, but on Sunday, I positively sprinted the last 100 yards. this told me that I left way too much in the tank, and I really could have improved my time, if even by just a minute or so. Oh well, that's not really the point. I did have fun and can't wait for next year's run.
BTW, here was my ipod playlist, which ended just about exactly the time I crossed the finish:
Wasted Years - Iron Maiden
First Tube - Phish
Jenny Ondioline - Stereolab
Blind - Hercules & Love Affair
The Ides of March - Iron Maiden
The Ides of March - Iron Maiden
Whiplash - Metallica
My god, I didn't realize until now that I was listening to Ides on March 15th. Cool.