Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What? A new post? Get outta here...

Call it a lame excuse, but really I've been too busy for the past, um, few months to post anything. So, here's a recap of that time.... Silvie has been working long hours, as have I. Between our jobs and my ever-ongoing skoolwork, we seem to have only one day a week (Saturday) to do anything even remotely fun. That usually involves thrifting and eating out. We found (as if it were missing or hiding) a new vegan restaurant a short drive from our 'hood. It's called Squid & Ink (no, I'm not sure why) and it's located at the north end of Boeing Field, about a 10 minute drive from our house. It's an offshoot, of sorts, of Wayward Cafe, a place on the other end of the city from us, which we haven't visited lately and has some of the best grub in town. Squid & Ink hasn't quite lived up to it's big sister, but it's pretty darned good, and we'll keep going back, at least until we've tried everything on the menu. Here's their logo:

Besides finding a new eatery, the other big news is that I got a new job within my company. I'm now pushing papers around in Accounts Payable, which represents not only an entry into the world 'o finance, but also an escape, hopefully forever, from jobs that require repetitive heavy lifting. Hurrah! (No pictures here, but I may post a shot of my cubicle, once I've decked it out.

My mom and brother were out here this summer for a few days this summer. We were glad that they could make it out again for the second summer in a row, and we may take a trip to PA in 2008, to return the favor. Here are some pics from when they were here:

Me 'n' Ma on the observation deck of the Needle

Sil lookin' good at Seattle Center

Sil and I had tons of fun tryin' on wacky glasses in the gift shop


We took a yummy tour of the Columbia Winery

Brian chillaxin' at Kubota Gardens

A real boss Japanese Maple at Kubota Gardens

Brian and me in a spirited game of Citrusball!

Mom really liked all the arty pigs around town.

And, that's a pretty darn good segue to the annual Walk for the Animals at lovely Greenlake in August, benefitting the Pigs Peace Sanctuary, a wonderful animal refuge in nearby Stanwood Washington. Here is a pic from that event of one of the piggies who was on hand for the day:

A little more recently, Sil and I went to the Vegan Holiday Festival in Portland. Lots of yummy free samples and a perfect day for the long drive. We again went to Pirate's Tavern restaurant following the festival. This place is a pirate-themed vegan restaurant. I kid you not. Just about the strangest thing I've seen. But the food is pretty yummers.