Monday, February 19, 2007

Four Random Pics!

Silvie and Jingus enjoying the snow


Jingus and the girl next door (Boochie)

Sil's decoupage project for our friend, Farmer Rich

Mr. Jingus, CPA

This year, I just didn't feel like dealing with the taxes, so I let Mr. Jingus do them. I gave him all the paperwork and a calculator and, after napping on the forms for a couple of hours, he finally got down to business. I know it's probably not recommended to have a pet do the taxes, but he did get us a $16,000 refund. Good boy.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentine's Day Dash

Sunday, February 11th was the Love 'em or Leave 'em Valentine's Day Dash 5k at Greenlake. If I hadn't prepaid for it I probably would have skipped it. I had been battling a nasty cold and school work had whittled my training hours down to nil. So, with the expectation bar sufficiently lowered, I was able to surprise myself by finishing under 27 minutes. Here are the results. I finished at #316.